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Common issues and Solution

Snapshot mismatch -

     Snapshot error is caused when the agent JVM losses the snapshot. Reason can be :
  • when we cancel the deployment and not allowing it to rollback.
  • when we perform critical reset.
To resolve this, We need to assign last successful deployed snapshot to agent. There are two ways to find the same -

By Components -
  1. Login to BCC component browser (dyn/admin).
  2. Go to /atg/epub/PublishingRepository/ . Click "List all Items" for "targetDef". You will find two target for one server instances. Copy the targetId of server instance having "surrogateFor=null".
  3. Go to /atg/epub/version/VersionManagerRepository/ . Click "List all items" for snapshot. Search the latest snapshot with the copied targetId. Copy the snapshot Id.
By Database
  1. Execute below query to get the snapshot Id -
            select epub_target.display_name as "Target",
            epub_prj_tg_snsht.snapshot_id as "Snapshot",
            epub_project.display_name as "Project" from
            epub_target, epub_project, epub_prj_tg_snsht
                  epub_prj_tg_snsht.project_id in
                ( select project_id from epub_project where workspace is not null and checked_in                    = '1') and epub_target.target_id = epub_prj_tg_snsht.target_id and
                 epub_prj_tg_snsht.project_id = epub_project.project_id
            order by epub_project.checkin_date desc

Go to /atg/epub/DeploymentServer/ . Force the copied snapshot Id and click on Init.

Conflicting Projects 

               Project can not be deployed because of conflicting with other project and we are not able to edit the conflicted project. This issue is coming because of migration of database without full deployment of projects or not moved projects to author state before migration.

To resolve this issue, we need to delete the project and the process from PublishingRepository.
  1. Go to /atg/epub/PublishingRepository/.
  2. Run the below scripts -
 <remove-item id="conflict_project_Id" item-descriptor="project" remove-references-to="true"/>
 <remove-item id="conflict_process_Id" item-descriptor="project" remove-references-to="true"/>

Note : Process Id will be the same as project Id, Change "prj" with "prc".

Common errors
  • In case of general error, Switch the database and try to redeploy the project.
  • In case of Project not get properly deployed in BCC, First start the agent server and then BCC server.
  • For Clean up all the projects and assets versions. Run Below queries -
                      delete from EPUB_PROJECT;
                      delete from EPUB_PR_TG_AP_TS;
                      delete from EPUB_DEPLOYMENT;
                      delete from EPUB_PR_TG_DP_TS;
                      delete from EPUB_PROC_HISTORY;
                      delete from EPUB_PR_TG_DP_ID;
                      delete from EPUB_INT_PRJ_HIST;
                      delete from EPUB_PROC_TASKINFO;
                      delete from EPUB_WORKFLOW_STRS;
                      delete from EPUB_IND_WORKFLOW;
                      delete from EPUB_PROCESS;
                      delete from EPUB_PR_HISTORY;
                      delete from EPUB_PROC_HISTORY;
                      delete from avm_asset_lock;

  • Issue : 1 item(s) were excluded from link operation
        Cause : 'CatalogCompletionService' component in publishing instance was enabled as False. Hence after creating new category/subcategories customer were unable to see sites for categories.
        Solution : Set enabled=true for 'CatalogCompletionService' component in publishing instance.
    • Issue : The inner project was not created. Check that your project workflow has been initialized by the workflow engine.
              Run the below query to PUB DB and restart the BCC instance - 
                        delete from epub_wf_server_id;
                        delete from epub_coll_workflow;
                        delete from epub_workflow_info;

    Customizing BCC

    If we want to customize the BCC home and want to add new repository. We need to modify - /atg/remote/content/browse/ContentBrowseHierarchy.xml

    If we want to modify the Merchandising panel. We need to modify -

    First we need to register our repository to versionedRepositories in component -


    We need to add below code - 

    <browse-hierarchy root="home" xml-combine="append">
    <browse-item id="home" xml-combine="append">
    <browse-item reference-id="customRepository"/>
    <browse-item id="customRepository" is-root="true" >      
    <list-definition id="definition" retriever="query" child-type="/path/customRepository:ItemDescriptorName">
               <retriever-parameter name="query" value="ALL" />